During this project, I applied my Photoshop skills to blend the elements seamlessly into the existing image. I placed angels in the sky, paying careful attention to lighting, tonal contrast, and atmospheric conditions to ensure they appeared naturally integrated. The depiction of someone walking up cloud stairs required thoughtful consideration of perspective, scale, and lighting to evoke a sense of peace and transcendence.
In this process, I used nondestructive image editing workflows to preserve the integrity of the original photo of your sister's house. This approach allowed me to experiment with different adjustments while maintaining the flexibility to refine and fine-tune the composition.

As I worked on the Photoshop document featuring my sister's house, a place that holds deep sentimental value after her passing, I decided to incorporate elements that would symbolize a spiritual journey. 

Client: Student production
Role: Production artist
Size: W 533 PX, H 341 PX
Software/ MediaAdobe Photoshop 



Creative Fields